Thursday 29 January 2009

Brits in Melbourne on Australia Day

Well what have I been up to? Mostly job hunting. That's it really. Oh and melting in 41C heat (seriously, it's like walking around with a large hairdryer blowing at you outside). What have I learnt? The global financial crisis has hit jobs in Australia, hangovers are even less fun when it's steaming hot and you have no aircon, I still have no idea when guys are flirting with me, and me and Mhairi should NEVER be left unsupervised with alcohol. That last one is a VERY important rule. Which got broken briefly again on Australia Day (26th January for anyone NOT Australian) as we gave up on being tourists and joined the locals having a few beers in the botanic gardens. Fortunately we were soon rescued by the boys from the hostel returning and... well encouraging us to have more beers by the river instead (what seems to be an Australia Day tradition). However we did behave ourselves very well under supervision. It was Irish Mark who did an Irish Jig for the crowd and Canadian Wes who decided it was a good idea to swim across the jellyfish infested Yarra river (another tradition apparently). He didn't get stung, but he did emerge with a lovely cut on his foot. Which was duely ignored by the 3 medical students we had with us. So yes, I am getting indoctrinated into the Australian way of life, which seems to involve cold beers in hot places.

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