Tuesday, 17 February 2009

The end is nigh?

The dream may well be coming to an end. A combination of the plummetting pound draining my finances rather earlier than expected and the global financial crisis making it nearly impossible to find work have meant that I have no money. Sure I have a job (I started yesterday!), but it's only a temporary assignment, I don't know how long it will last and rent will be due before I'm paid. It looks like when I head back for Sarah and Simons wedding, that will be it. I won't be able to afford to fly back out. And even if I could afford to I wouldn't be able to support myself job-hunting (not to state the obvious or anything, but you can't draw on the dole as a foreign national!). So I guess this means back to the world of Blighty and trying to find a "real" job then? Or at least something that will tide me over and let me save money so I can escape again? What a waste of the "once in a lifetime" working holiday visa... Do you think I can claim my visa fees back on the basis there isn't work? At this point I'm open to any ideas/suggestions/offers of work/free flights/free accommodation....

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